FontRun Class
Assembly: Topten.RichTextKit.dll
Namespace: Topten.RichTextKit
Represents a font run - a physical sequence of laid glyphs all with the same font and style attributes.
public class FontRun
FontRun → object
FontRun() |
Ascent | The ascent of the font used in this run |
Clusters | The cluster numbers for each glyph |
Descent | The descent of the font used in this run |
Direction | The direction of this run |
GlyphPositions | The glyph positions (relative to the entire text block) |
Glyphs | The glyph indicies |
Leading | The leading of the font used in this run |
Length | The length of this run in codepoints |
RelativeCodePointXCoords | The x-coords of each code point, relative to this text run |
RunKind | The kind of font run. |
Start | Code point index of the start of this run |
Style | The user supplied style for this run |
StyleRun | The style run this typeface run was derived from. |
Typeface | The typeface of this run (use this over Style.Fontface) |
Width | Width of this typeface run |
XCoord | Horizontal position of this run, relative to the left margin |
CodePoints | Get the code points of this run |
End | The index of the first character after this run |
HalfLeading | Calculate the half leading height for text in this run |
Line | The line that owns this font run |
NextRun | Get the next font run from this one |
PreviousRun | Get the previous font run from this one |
TextHeight | The height of text in this run (ascent + descent) |
GetXCoordOfCodePointIndex(int) | Get the x-coord of a code point |
LeadingWidth(int) | Calculates the leading width of all character from the start of the run (either the left or right depending on run direction) to the specified code point |
MoveGlyphs(float, float) | Moves all glyphs by the specified offset amount |
Overridden & Inherited
ToString() | For debugging |