Paragraph Class
Assembly: Topten.RichTextKit.dll
Namespace: Topten.RichTextKit.Editor
Abstract base class for all TextDocument paragraphs
public abstract class Paragraph :
Paragraph → object
Paragraph() | Constructs a new Paragraph |
CaretIndicies | Retrieves a list of all valid caret positions |
CodePointIndex | This code point index of this paragraph relative to the start of the document. |
ContentHeight | Qureries the height of this paragraph, excluding margins |
ContentWidth | Queries the width of this paragraph, excluding margins |
ContentXCoord | The X-coordinate of this paragraph's content (ie: after applying margin) |
ContentYCoord | The Y-coordinate of this paragraph's content (ie: after applying margin) |
Length | Gets the length of this paragraph in code points |
LineIndicies | Retrieves a list of code point indicies of the start of each line |
MarginBottom | The bottom margin |
MarginLeft | The left margin |
MarginRight | The right margin |
MarginTop | The top margin |
TextBlock | Gets the TextBlock associated with this paragraph |
WordBoundaryIndicies | Retrieves a list of all valid word boundary caret positions |
CopyStyleFrom(Paragraph) | Copy all style attributes from this paragraph to another |
GetCaretInfo(Topten.RichTextKit.CaretPosition) | Get caret position information |
HitTest(float, float) | Hit test this paragraph |
HitTestLine(int, float) | Hit test a line in this paragraph |
Layout(TextDocument) | Layout the content of this paragraph |
Paint(SkiaSharp.SKCanvas, Topten.RichTextKit.TextPaintOptions) | Paint this paragraph |