DocBrowser v0.9

Conditional Content

DocBrowser defines several classes to hide/show content according to the current responsive display state. These classes can be used to provide more useful instructions on how to navigate in DocBrowser.

For example, the main DocBrowser topic page shows different instructions depending on whether these navigation tree has been collapsed or not:

<div class="primary-nav-shown">
For documentation refer to the topics in the navigation 
panel to the left.

<div class="primary-nav-hidden">
For documentation refer to the topics in the popup navigation 
menu accessible via the menu button at the top left.

Conditional Classes

Note that in all cases, "hidden" means display:none and "shown" means display:block.

CSS Class Name Description
hidden General purpose always hidden class
hidden-in-docbrowser This style is always hidden when using the DocBrowser style sheets. This can be used for content that should be shown when rendered outside of DocBrowser (eg: github pages), but hidden when shown in DocBrowser.
primary-nav-hidden For content that should be shown when the navigation tree is hidden
primary-nav-shown For content that should be shown when the navigation tree is shown
secondary-nav-hidden For content that should be shown when the "On this page" links are hidden
secondary-nav-shown For content that should be shown when the "On this page" liks are shown
primary-nav-enabled For content that should be shown when the navigation tree is enabled
primary-nav-disabled For content that should be shown when the navigation tree is disabled ie: <body class="nonav">. See here


The following paragraphs demonstrate these styles - resize the browser and notice text change:

The primary nav is hidden

The primary nav is shown

The secondary nav is hidden

The secondary nav is shown

The primary nav is enabled

The primary nav is disabled