Los Angeles v0.3

URL Rules

In addition to the page server features, Los Angeles includes a simple URL rewrite, redirect and proxy feature.


To setup the URL mapping use the urlRules() method of the Los Angeles component which returns an Express middleware:

// Load LosAngeles
const la  = require('@toptensoftware/losangeles');

// Run redirect rules
    // redirect rules go here (see below)

Configuring Rules

The urlRules() method expects an array of rules that should be processed.

Each entry in the array is a JavaScript object with either a redirect, rewrite or proxy field declaring a regular expression to match against the URL and a to property specifying where the URL should be remapped:

    // Redirect
        redirect: /^\/downloads\/(.*)$/i, 
        to: "http://static.mysite.com/$1" 

    // Rewrite 
        rewrite: /^\/downloads\/(.*)$/i, 
        to: "/newblog/$1" 

    // proxy
        proxy: /^\/myproduct\/releasenotes.json/i, 
        to: "http://static.mysite.com/myproduct-releaseNotes.json" 